Sunday, November 19, 2023

Labour’s Day: A Tale of Hardship and Hunger by Amenah Manzoor

Labour's Day Story ,Story of a poor girl by Amenah Manzoor, آمنہ منظور ، لیبرز ڈے سٹوری

Labour’s Day: A Tale of Hardship and Hunger
by Amenah Manzoor , I’m hungry,” little Maryam told her mother.

"Don’t worry, my girl. Soon your father will be home with food and candies for you," Sidra (Maryam’s mother) reassured her daughter.

In a small town, Maryam's innocent plea for food echoed the struggles of her family. Sidra, her mother, reassured her daughter, promising treats upon her father's return. However, when Akram, Maryam's father, arrived empty-handed, a wave of despair swept through their humble abode.The door knocked. Sidra opened the door,  "Didn’t you bring food? Sidra questioned, noticing Akram's empty hands.

"I stood near the main road square for 10 hours, but no one hired me today," Akram explained, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Akram, I'm afraid we have nothing to eat today. Maryam is hungry. Why is it so? These days have always been busy working days. What happened today?"

"Today is a holiday in the town, or maybe in the whole country. Today is Labour's Day."Akram replied.

Realization struck them as the harsh reality unfolded. On this day, Labour’s Day, the town stood still, marking a holiday for the nation. Unbeknownst to Akram, his regular toil for the family's sustenance clashed with a day meant for recognition and rest for laborers.

As the day waned, hunger gnawed at the family's spirits, accentuating the struggle that many face daily. Labour’s Day, a time for honoring workers, inadvertently left some in dire need, a poignant reminder of the disparities in society.

The silence of their empty table spoke volumes about the unseen hardships of those whose labor fuels society's progress. This Labour’s Day, while celebrating the contributions of workers, let us also remember those for whom this day brings not celebration but a harsher struggle for survival.

Effective Time Management: Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Productivity

Time Management Tips & Tricks Article By Amenah Manzoor آمنہ منظور

 Effective Time Management: Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Productivity by Amenah Manzoor

Time is a finite resource, and managing it efficiently is crucial for success in both personal and professional spheres. With the myriad of tasks, responsibilities, and distractions present in modern life, adopting effective time management techniques is essential. Managing procrastination involves adopting strategies to overcome the tendency to delay or avoid tasks. Here are effective ways to tackle procrastination and Time Management Tips and tricks to optimize your use of time and enhance productivity:

1. Prioritize Tasks

Prioritization Methods really help you in staying focussed and completing tasks on time.One must Identify and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Use methods like the Eisenhower Matrix (quadrant-based task organization) to categorize tasks into "urgent and important," "important but not urgent," "urgent but not important," and "neither urgent nor important."

 2. Set SMART Goals

One must Establish Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines, providing clarity and direction in your endeavors.SMART goals and Effective Scheduling also optimises productivity.

3. Time Blocking

To avoid any hussle one must allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. This practice ensures focused attention on a particular task, minimizing distractions, and enhancing productivity.

4. Eliminate Distractions

One of the Time-saving Strategies is to eliminate distractions.Identify and minimize distractions, whether they're digital (like social media or emails) or environmental (such as noisy surroundings). Use apps or tools that block distracting websites during focused work sessions.

 5. Learn to Say No

Avoid overcommitting by learning to say no when necessary. Assess your bandwidth before taking on new tasks or responsibilities to maintain a manageable workload.

6. Use Task Management Tools

Leverage technology by using task management apps or tools to organize, prioritize, and track tasks. Tools like Todoist, Trello, or Asana can help streamline your workflow.Tech. is to make your life easier take advantage of it.

 7. Implement the Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro Technique is on of the most valuable Productivity Techniques.This Techniques focusses on Work in short, focused bursts followed by brief breaks using the Pomodoro Technique (typically 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break). This method enhances focus and prevents burnout.

 8. Delegate Responsibilities

Recognize tasks that others can handle and delegate them accordingly. Delegation not only lightens your workload but also fosters teamwork and skill development among team members.Leaders are not only to impress their team  member but to prepare them for the challenges in life.

 9. Regularly Review and Adjust

Your time is all yours.You hundred percent own your time.So if there is need to revise your schedule don't hesitate to do that.Regularly review your schedule and task list. Adjust priorities, deadlines, and strategies as needed to adapt to changing circumstances or unforeseen events.

 10. Take Care of Yourself

With out health there is no use of time.Maintain a healthy work-life balance. Prioritize self-care, adequate sleep, exercise, and relaxation, as these factors significantly impact productivity and well-being.

In conclusion, mastering time management is an ongoing process that involves discipline, self-awareness, and adaptability. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can take control of your time, boost productivity, and achieve a better balance between work and personal life.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Top 10 Strategies to Motivate Children to Learn

Top 10 Strategies to Motivate Children to Learn

By Amenah Manzoor

Apptitude of all the children is not same.Some children are quick learners and some are slow.For some children learning is a boring process they get overburdened and lose interest this is the major factor that leads towards the flaws in learning process.Parents should understand their child's apptitude and make a perfect environment for learning in accordance to child's mind set.

There is a big conflict when it comes to the child's learning .Parents and teachers misunderstand the fact that learning is not confined only to the classroom instead it extends out of the classroom inclusive of the enviroment where a child spend time.No doubt classroom is the primary source of learning but we cannot neglect the importance of secondary learning sources like home,garden /park and the influence of peers during sports.

In this article your are going to get idea about how to motivate your child to learn.If you follow these strategies you would see your child's learning getting better day by day.

◾Create learning atmosphere 

Focus is the key to learn.Child would be more focussed if the environment is learning friendly.Children would only be interested in learning if the amtosphere is good.Provide your child with all the learning supplies like story books,puzzles,material for creating and solving activities.Children should be free to read and solve activities on their own.

◾Understand your child's interests 

When children are involved in the subjects related to their interests learning becomes fun and they learn more.If you want your child to learn let him explore his interest.If your Child is interested in fishes.Tell him/her the stories about fishes.Give your child a task to tell the name of body parts of a fish.It would be a great source of learning and your child would not take it as something boring.

◾Explore different learning techniques 

Every child respond differently to each learning technique.You should apply all learning techniques to understand which technique is best for your child.You should choose that technique to which your child respond more actively and quickly.Here is the list of different learning techniques that you can employ to know the best for your child.

  • Distributed practice
  • Map
  • Flashcard
  • Cooperative learning
  • Mnemonic
  • Feynman Technique

◾Make learning a fun activity 

Children learn more through games.They take keen interest in games and play.Their mind experiences the joy thats why they recieve information and instructions with happy minds.Games help children in developing the non-congnitive skills, motor skills and interpreting the fact practically.Their experience and interaction during the games make the learning long lasting and even everlasting.

When you would engage your child in games and make learning a fun they would learn and understan better.Games are necessary for brain's health.Many researches show that the lesson learned through games are more effective.

◾Teach your child to stay organized  

Children get frustrated if they are not organized.Teach your child to organize his books , stationary and toys.This would save alot of time and energy.children who are more organized are good learners.Disorganisation leads towards the hassle and distraction from the subject.Help your child in organizing his/her books ,school supplies and toys and teach him how to organize it, soon he/she would be able to do it by his/her-self.

◾Allow you child to share his/her opinion

If your child have an opinion it means he is thinking about the things ; if he is thinking it means he is learning.So encourage your child to express his/her opinion, likes,dislikes,views and perspectives.Its not essential to always have a perfect and right opinion as the children are in learning stage they can have imperfect and vogue perspectives of the things.You should not hinder them to express themselves instead you should encourage them and then explain the things in nicer way if you think they are not getting the right opinion of something.

◾Recognize Child's achievement 

Recognition and appreciation works as a booster for the person being appreciated and motivates him to do more efforts.Appreciation is vital for the children ,when they get positive responce and appreciation they become more enthusiastic and learn more.When your child learns a new skill a new grammer rule or anything even aside from the course work appreciate him/her and encourage him/her to do even more better.On getting good grades celebrate the achievement it would definitely motivate your child to do more.

◾Develop a healthy communication with your child 

Communication is the key to develop a strong relationship with your child.If there is communication gap between parents and children things would get worse.Make sure that your child is communicating with you sharing his/her feelings,emotions,fears and stories with you.You should listen to your child and respond in relative way.Don't ignore him/her when he/she is try to tell you something.Don't just make assumptions and start shouting on your child if he/she is mistaken in anyhow.Try to resolve each issue by patience.If children don't develop a sense of good communication with their parents they disengage from the learning process.

◾Learning should be the real Concern

When it comes to the learning focus on the learning of a child not the  performance.Undoubtedly,performance is no less than learning but performance is sometimes effected by certain circumstances.To understand this lets take an example.If your child understands addition and he can solve any sum given to him.On the day of math test he was feeling sick and was attempting test slowly and his questions of addition remained unattempted.He scored 60%.Could you say that his learning was poor? Offcourse not.Although his perfermance was not up to the mark but his learning was at the point.So parents should understand this and not to pressurise their children about getting good score neglecting the learning process.

◾Share your stories with children

When your children can relate to you they get motivated.Share your learning story with your child tell him/her the difficulties you faced in learning something or when did you learned a specific concept so quick.In this way,your child would somehow relate to you or get motivated.They would tell you how they are learning where they are getting failed.They would tell you which concept they just picked up in seconds.This would highly motivate your child to learn.

Friday, June 10, 2022

How To Communicate effectively ?

How To Communicate effectively ?

By Amenah Manzoor

what is effective communication ?

Effective communication is a way of understanding and interpreting the information in its real meaning and conveying a clear ; to the point message. 

What is the importance of effective Communication? 

Key Steps of effective communication:

  •  Listen carefully 
  •  Non-verbal communication
  •  Must have realistic approach 
  •  Be Concise 
  •  Be Clear and to the point 
  •  Understand and Respect other person's Opinion 

1. Listen Carefully 

The very first step towards effective communication is to listen carefully. You must listen to understand the views and the information being presented.Your prime focus should be the understanding not the responding in haste.Once you have listened and understood the meaning of the message or information then you are free to provide your opinion about it.

2. Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is also a form of communication.It includes the body language ,expressions and signs used during the communication.

Sometimes the words could be intensified by using the body language and expressions.If You ignore the non-verbal communication may be you don't get the real meaning of the information.

Non-verbal communication makes the communication more effective and stresses on some part of the information that should be more focussed. When you are talking to someone or exchanging information your body language and expressions add to your verbal communication and convey the message more effectively.

3. Must have realistic approach 

The importance of realistic approach can't be denied no matter either you are talking or listening. 

Your logical and realistic approach towards the facts and information helps you to better understand and convey the message. 

4. Be Concise 

while communicating avoid the unnecessary details because the extra details can make your message vogue. Always be more concise and focus on the vista about which you are sharing information.

5. Be clear and to the point 

If you are supposed to talk about the astrophysics and you start your conversation with the understanding of Urdu literature and you also talk about the chemical biology then the listener would be confused and your exact information become less effective.

To avoid the confusion and the complexities be clear in your conversations.Always talk to the point and don't get astray while talking.

6. Understand and respect other person's opinion

Communication is not just about a one-sided opinion and always being right.It involves more than one person,their opinions and views.You should try to understand the other person's opinion and act or respond accordingly.There is no hard and fast rule that you should always be right and the other person's view is wrong.So try to understand and respect other's views.

Labour’s Day: A Tale of Hardship and Hunger by Amenah Manzoor

Labour’s Day: A Tale of Hardship and Hunger by Amenah Manzoor  , I’m hungry,” little Maryam told her mother. "Don’t worry, my girl. So...